Baptisms are normally held on Sunday's at 1:30 pm in the church.
English are on the 1st and 3rd Sundays
Spanish are on the 2nd and 4th Sundays
Please call the parish office to make arrangements at (650) 342-2468 at least three months in advance, or email your completed application along with a copy of your child's birth certificate to the baptism donation can be made online using the donate button above.
Parents and Godparents must attend baptismal instruction before the baptism of their child. This preparation may be done before the birth of the child.
A baptismal preparation class in English (one session) for Parents and Godparents is held in the St. Timothy rectory on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm (no class Nov 26 or Dec 24), and on the 2nd Saturday of the month, at St. Luke's at 10:00 am. Spanish Class will be every second Tuesday of the month at St. Timothy at 7:00pm
Preparation must be completed before a date for baptism can be set.
Please email to let them know you will be attending the class.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is normally offered on Saturday afternoons from 3:30-4:30. If you wish to receive this sacrament at another time please call the Parish Center at (650) 342-2468 to make an appointment. Reconciliation services are also held during Advent and Lent.
Check our parish bulletin during these seasons for more information.
First Communion
First Communion is a two year process at St. Timothy. The earliest a child can receive the sacrament is in second grade. Usually, the first year of the program is spent in general class with other students at the same grade level. The second year is a class with other students who are specifically preparing for First Communion.
Contact the Faith Formation Office for more information.
Adult Confirmation
There are two ways to receive Confirmation as an adult at our Parish:
- If you have been away from the church for a while and have questions about your faith, the best option is the RCIA process which meets every Wednesday, 7:00 pm in the Parish Office from October through May. Confirmation and First Eucharist are received at St. Timothy during the Easter Vigil. You can get more information from our Parish Office at (650) 342-2468 or email our staff members.
- A second option for active Catholics who have not been confirmed is a program we offer during Lent every other year. It involves 8-10 hours of instruction in the parish, and an interview with a priest. Confirmation is conferred by the bishop or archbishop or his representative at St. Timothy on the same day the teenagers are confirmed. You can get more information from our Parish Office at (650) 342-2468 or email our staff members.
Couples requesting to be married at St. Timothy must contact one of our parish priests at (650) 342-2468 at least six months in advance of the wedding date. Couples must attend marriage preparation either in the parish (four sessions) or any other approved program.
Weddings are normally celebrated on Saturdays.
Anointing the Sick
When a person is seriously ill, facing surgery or in danger of death, please call our parish priest at (650) 342-2468 to make an appointment for the Anointing of the Sick, or call the Parish Emergency number
650-787-6510 English
650-918-4123 En Español.
Please contact
Padre Manuel Igrobay
(650) 342-2468
House Blessings
By appointment only,
please contact the Parish Office at