Reading I
Hebrews 4:1-5, 11
Welcome to the Parish Family of St. Timothy.
We invite you to join us on our journey of faith.
• Nurturing spiritual growth/faith formation of all
• Celebrating our diversity while focusing on unity
• Discovering our gifts in order to motivate service
• Embracing our talents which enables us
to bring Christ to others
• Developing our liturgy to be meaningful and representative of our entire parish family
Text "TIMS" to 84576 to automatically sign up.
Envía "TIMS" al 202-765-3441 para registrarte automáticamente.
5:00pm - Vigil for Sunday
9:00am, 10:30am
12:00pm - En Español
Weekdays 8:00 a.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Saturdays from 4:00 - 4:30 pm
Friday Night at 7:00pm
Monday-Saturday at 7:30am
Memorial of Saint Anthony, Abbot
Hebrews 4:1-5, 11
Psalm 78:3 & 4bc, 6c-7, 8
Luke 7:16
Mark 2:1-12
Mass intentions
To make sure your mass intention request is fulfilled please use the emails below or call the office at 650-342-2468
To have a mass said for a loved one please email:
Intenciones de la misa
Para asegurarse de que se cumpla con su solicitud de intención masa, use los correos electrónicos a continuación o llame a la oficina al 650-342-2468.
Para que se diga una misa por un ser querido, envíe un correo electrónico a:
Definition of Stewardship
According to the 1992 U.S. Bishops' Pastoral Letter, Stewardship: A Disciple's Response, a steward is defined as a disciple of Jesus who "receives God's gifts gratefully, cultivates them responsibly, shares them lovingly in justice with others and returns them with increase to the Lord."
Stewardship is a way of life and is best understood within the context of conversion and evangelization. The disciple is motivated to share his/her time, talent and treasure with the Church and other worthy causes from a deep sense of gratitude and in a planned, proportionate and sacrificial manner.
Your generosity has a tremendous impact on many lives. It enables the Archdiocese to provide vital services to our local community and our greater Church.
The Archdiocesan Annual Appeal (AAA) provides parishioners throughout our Archdiocese a unique opportunity to come together. Through the AAA, the over ninety parishes in our Archdiocese unite as one!
“Our mission as a Church and people of the Catholic faith continues, so we invite you to participate in this year’s Archdiocesan Annual Appeal. Your contribution is a vivid expression of your commitment to bring Christ to others, and it enhances our ability to spread and celebrate our faith”.
The theme for the 2024 Annual Appeal is Matthew 22:39 “Love your neighbor as yourself.” As Catholics, we use our gifts and talents to serve and demonstrate our love for our neighbors. Indeed, instead of asking who our neighbors are, Catholics ask, “…is there anyone who is not our neighbor?”
One of the primary ways we demonstrate our love in the Archdiocese of San Francisco is through participating in the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal (AAA).
On behalf of all who depend on the ministries and services of the Archdiocese, we extend our deepest thanks to the parishioners who have so generously supported the Annual Appeal through the years. You have a tremendous impact on many lives.
Through the Appeal, we support retired priests, seminarians, social ministries, our schools, youth and young adults, and ministering to the poor, to name just a few examples. We also support Archdiocesan departments such as finance and human resources that through some centralization of services decreases the cost to individual parishes.
Our 2024 Assessment is $68,725, thanking you in advance for doing your part!
Payment on existing pledge for immediate processing
Mail Pledge Forms (Note that it's for St. Timothy)
SF Archdiocese 1 Peter Yorke Way, San Francisco, CA, 94109
Donate stock
donating to a non-profit can save you from paying capital gains tax of the appreciated value if you’ve held the stock for at least year. Call 415-614-5580 for further instructions/details on donating stock.
Matching Gifts
Parishioners who arrange for matching fund donations through their employer will be thanked for their role in obtaining such gifts.