St. Timothy Catholic Church

1515 Dolan Avenue | San Mateo, CA 94401 | (650) 342-2468

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B.C.B.P. (Brotherhood of Christian Business Professionals)

The Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and Professionals or BCBP is a community of like-minded Christian businessmen and professionals who have consciously decided to band together to bring about the transformation of the marketplace. In July 1980, 24 men met at the Makati Sports Club for a “Kapihan” or Coffee meeting.  This event initiated the first Men’s Breakfast of the soon-to-be Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen & Professionals and the first Life in the Spirit Seminar, the forerunner of the present Brotherhood Christian Life Program (BCLP).

Our Vision is: “Bringing Christ into the marketplace and winning the marketplace for Christ.” To accomplish this vision, we aim to bring into our community men and women of significant influence in business and in the professions who together will be the instruments of Christ in the business milieu. Members meet in Action Groups, attend Assemblies and other community activities, and participate in the various trainings and formation programs of the community. The BCBP identifies, trains, and develops Christian leaders to become agents for justice and sound development in the work environment. It also conducts workshops, seminars, and retreats as requested by companies, businesses, and government offices, that discuss and present ways by which the Christian businessman or professional can deal with evil in the marketplace

Contact:  Tony Borbon,,  (510) 770-4505.

Bible Study

Contact:  Barby Pickett,   (650) 342.2468.

Saturday Mornings at 8:45 am 


Choir English/Tongan/Spanish

People off every age share their talents, whether as vocalists or musicians. We have an English Choir, two Spanish Choirs, and a Tongan Choir.

Contact:  Petelo Mafi, Jr.,  (650)274-8475

Personas de todas las edades comparten sus talentos, ya sea como vocalistas o músicos. Tenemos un coro Inglés, dos coros en Español y un coro Tongano.



Coffee Socials

Our Coffee Socials are held in Fitzpatrick after all the Masses on the first Sunday in the months of January, February, March, May, June, September, October and November. At that time we are able to extend our hospitality towards new members as well as the seasoned ones.


St. Timothy Confirmation Program is open to all young men and women who are in 7th & 8th grade or in High School.

This is a two year program.

Adult volunteers needed.

Contact:  Sr. Fe Bigwas, RVM,,  (650) 342-2468 ext 207.

Couples For Christ

Couples For Christ (CFC) is a servant and lay arm of the Roman Catholic Church for family renewal and evangelization work. CFC is recognized by the Vatican and functions under Canons 321-329 of the Code of Canon Law. CFC fosters deep spiritual renewal involving conversion, developing a personal relationship with Christ Jesus and living in the power of the Holy Spirit. CFC focuses on the couple growing together in their Christian life, strengthening and developing the family; provides continuing formation and support; and reaches out to our brothers and sisters to participate actively in the building of God’s kingdom on earth.

 Vince West,,  (650) 438-0988;
 Claudet West,,  (650) 868-4864.

Faith Formation

St. Timothy Faith Formation Program welcomes invites you to join us on our journey of Faith. Parents are the primary educators of their children. With this in mind, we are here to assist you in teaching your children about God and his Church. We provide formal faith formation classes for first thru seventh grades. We also provide a First Communion program for second grade and older children. Students are also prepared for Reconciliation (Confession) prior to First Communion.

Parent participation and attendance is required at special meetings in order to prepare their child for a sacrament. Students must be baptized (copy of certificate required) before they receive any sacraments. School age children who are not baptized are expected to attend faith formation classes for one year to prepare for Baptism and are also required to attend another year to prepare to receive any other sacrament offered at their age level.

Adult volunteers needed class.

Contact:  Sr. Fe Bigwas, RVM,,  (650) 342-2468 ext 207.

Filipino Group

"This ministry welcomes participation of the Filipino community in parish life and helps pass on the Filipino culture to the young. We take pride in bringing Catholic observances from the Philippines to St. Timothy. In September, we lead in the celebration of the Feast of San Lorenzo Ruiz de Manila, the first Filipino saint. In December, we gather the St. Timothy community in observing Simbang Gabi, which is the Novena  of Advent Masses, celebrated at dawn during the nine days leading to Christmas Day. And all throughout the year, we coordinate the First Friday masses and Fellowship, and actively participate in parish events such as sponsoring the November Coffee Socials, holding Filipino Food Sale during the Christmas Bazaar and School Fair, and serving as members in the various support groups of the parish."    

Contact:  Ophelia Zalamea,  (650)814-5607.

Grief Ministry

We the members of the Grief, Bereavement and Consolation Ministry, support the bereaved through contact over a period of a year after their loss, in an effort to prevent them from grieving alone. The support consists of prayer, phone calls, cards and letters, as well as a special time to remember their loved one at our Annual Remembrance Mass in November. We are hopeful that sharing God’s love in this way encourages them to stay connected to our parish family.

This is a peer ministry. None of the ministers are counselors, therapists or analysts. All the ministers have suffered losses of loved ones and have found that being able to talk about their loss with people who understand has helped them on their journey of healing. We are "paying it forward".

Contact:  Deacon Fred Totah,,  (650)342-2468   

Grupo de Guadalupana

Venerar a la Virgen una vez al mes. Rezamos el rosario y conocerno de ella, y preparar su celebracion el dia 12 de diciembre.

Contacto:  Evelia Chairez,,  (650) 483-9663.

Hermandad de los Milagros

Infant Baptism Team

As part of the Baptismal process, parents and godparents are required to attend one class on the first Tuesday of the month. Trained parishioners, trained staff or members of the clergy from the parish help prepare them to embrace the Sacrament of Baptism to its fullest.

 Deacon Fred Totah,,  (650) 342-2468
 Deacon Faiva Po’oi,,  (650) 867-4049

Español Contacto:

Verónica Robelo (650) 342-2468 Ext 202

Padre Manuel Igronay,,  (650) 342-2468 Ext 203

Inmaculada Concepcion

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is an international fraternal and service organization for Catholic men. The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization with 1.6 million members. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities, families and young people. Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to practicing Catholic men who are at least 18 years old.

Contact:  Paul Sirwet,,  (650)678-6138

Legion of Mary

The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation in Mary’s and the Church’s work. The unit of the Legion of Mary is called a praesidium, which holds a weekly meeting, Wednesday mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Parish Office Conference Room, where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussion.

Contact:  Estokia Fatai,,  (408) 590-2203.                    

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee meets on the first Thursday of each month (excluding July/August) at 7pm in the Parish Office Conference Room. The committee plans the worship services of our parish aiming for full and active participation of all in our liturgical celebrations.

Contact:  Beth Durant,,  (650) 342-2468.

Office Volunteers

The parish office is always looking for volunteers to assist the staff with simple clerical duties. Our hours are Monday thru Friday, 9am to 4pm. If you are interested in volunteering for a couple of hours a week give us a call!

Contact:  Verónica Robelo,,  (650) 342-2468 ext 202.

R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

RCIA is a program primarily directed toward those adults who are not Catholic and are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and becoming a part of it. It is also a program for those Catholics who would like to deepen their appreciation of the Catholic faith, those who have not received their First Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmation or Catholics who have been away from the Church. The program begins in September and runs through April/May.

Contact:  Parish Office ,,  (650) 342-2468.

Sandwiches On Sundays (SOS)

Contact:  Sharon Dekker-Pisani,  (650) 678-1470.

Senior Group

Our 55+ seniors (and friends) meet twice a year for an afternoon of fun, raffle drawings and good food. The luncheons are held on Monday’s from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Donations are welcomed to help defray the cost of the food and drinks.

Contact:  Marilynn Mariano,,  (650) 342-2468.

St. Timothy School Board

The purpose of the Board is to provide advice and assistance to the pastor in establishing goals and defining policies which shall govern the operation of St. Timothy School.

Contact:  Dr. Delgado,,  (650) 342-6567.

St. Vincent de Paul

Members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (or "Vincentians") are men and women who strive to grow spiritually by offering tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis, aware that service to our brother or sister in need is in fact an encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ. Members of St. Timothy's Conference serve needy families, single parents, disadvantaged individuals, and persons with special needs. Spanish speaking volunteers are a plus! Members go on home visits in the mornings, or evenings as needed. Extra workers are needed during the holiday season to pack food and distribute toys. Come be the face of Jesus to the poor and see the face of Jesus in them.

Contact:  Charlie Gregory,,  (650) 430-1976.

Tongan Religious Education

Contact:  Ofa Po’oi,,  (650) 740-4176.

Youth Expressing Spirit Youth Ministry

St. Timothy's Youth Expressing Spirit (Y.E.S.) is the youth ministry for the parish. For youth ages 12-18 in junior high school and high school. 

Youth are emerging leaders and protagonists in the Church and within their communities, schools, and society at large. Youth Ministry is important in the life of the Church! In this grace-filled moment, you and I are called, by the Lord, to do this important ministry.

It is an exciting time to do Youth Ministry in this 'moment of grace,' especially with the election of Pope Francis. His humility, simplicity and example is prompting the world, especially among young people, to give the Church a 'second look'. usccb

Contact:,  (650)342-2468.